Striving for Added Value to Our Clients

Every Day

Baltic Furniture Source manufacturing pool values.
Baltic Furniture Source manufacturing pool values.

manufacturing pool

Today we are partners with 20+ Lithuanian based furniture manufacturers and the number is at constant growth. We have developed a variety of appealing furniture collections to offer off the shelve, and in the background there is always something new being created. Several of our partners produce bespoke projects and private label products too – so in case you look for your own design producer – bring it on, we will take care of that as well. The wide scale of manufacturing facilities allows us to take on diverse projects and fulfill almost any idea imaginable. Most importantly, our unique diversity allows for application of all materials and technology possible in the history of furniture. Meaning that you will never hear "no" as an answer from BFS. We do have a well working sourcing system at place and a large pool of reliable suppliers who are ready to take on new projects. Join us at no obligation today!

Aspects playing the key role during our manufacturer selection process are: problem solving speed, flexibility, innovative attitude of the top management, integrity, business ethics, customer relationships and modern approach towards staff.

Baltic Furniture Source quick prototyping values.
Baltic Furniture Source quick prototyping values.

quick prototyping

Surely we do not expect you to buy without being certain its absolutely worth it. Therefore, samples are crucially important for you to approve our product. And as we are at the moment at which you have found our offer interesting – it’s time for you to receive our sample product. Upon your request, we will put your chosen item into an express production, as we know how valuable the time is at moments of product range decision making. So, at rocket speed will you receive your sample order, from where we will smoothly develop a further partnership plan. Time is one of the most precious commodities both in life and business - therefore, making the most out of our client’s time and acting quick has become our top priority.

Baltic Furniture Source timely price offer values.
Baltic Furniture Source timely price offer values.

timely price offers

The price offer must be two things: competitive and quick. It becomes extremely difficult to run your business and plan your sales strategy if price offers from suppliers keep on being delayed or are not accurate. We know that, we have been in those shoes ourselves, and we therefore guarantee our time management priorities are set accordingly. We are also well informed of the fact that if you have got a request for quotation today, you would highly appreciate the price offer received yesterday. That is a golden standard and a valid expectation representing the speed required in the furniture business. And as much as we care for our clients, and as many extra miles we go everyday to make them happy – today we cannot promise to travel back in time yet. Nevertheless, we can promise we will exhaust ourselves to guarantee timely offers for you and your business. Simply send us your request and try us out.

Baltic Furniture Source convenient location values.
Baltic Furniture Source convenient location values.

convenient location

We are based in Lithuania - a small country, yet containing plenty of top-notch furniture manufacturers. We cooperate with factories from all around Lithuania, however the maximum travel time to the furthest factory is three hours. Which simply means that once you encounter any problem in the morning that require a close inspection at the factory’s facility - we will be at place by lunch solving the issues. Quite convenient, isnt it? Most importantly, we are in the very middle of Europe and have a quick access to all major European transit routes. We are in close proximity to Scandinavia as well. Just an ideal geographical advantage!

Baltic Furniture Source effective communication values.
Baltic Furniture Source effective communication values.

effective communication

We are critical in all aspects leading towards perfection for our customer service, every detail of which relies heavily on communication. Indeed, in furniture business communication plays a vital role, and understanding the power of the word leads to great success stories. Just imagine a company that only employs strong communicators. In this company colleagues freely share their ideas, which leads to their skyrocketing productivity levels and ongoing improvements on the company’s everyday processes - just due to the free flow of qualitative knowledge spillovers. All managers of this company allocate tasks and express their expectations to their teams with clarity and empathy, leading to an overall mutual understanding within the company. Ultimately, that company’s customers are always well informed, have their questions answered and problems solved. We aim to be that company and spread the perks of effective communication all around us. In short, effective communication by BFS is: absorption and reflection of our customers needs as transparently and efficiently as possible. Accordingly, please be reassured that by interacting with BFS, you will interact only with honest, straightforward and effective communicators.

Baltic Furniture Source client privacy values.
Baltic Furniture Source client privacy values.

client privacy

BFS guarantees ultimate client privacy. All data shared by our clients is never transmitted to any other parties. We believe it is important to highlight our dedication for copyright preservation and information security among our other values mentioned above. Here at BFS: reliability and trust in between ourselves and our clients is the pillar on which we build thriving partnerships.

Perfect furniture is easy to find

It's truly quick and smooth with BFS