The Magic of Leaving Our Clients with

Nothing to Worry About

furniture sourcing

We understand how much time and other resources the development of a new qualitative supply chain takes. It comprises a large field of criteria. And many questions need to be answered before a contract can be finally signed.

The question then naturally arises: why deal with the third party, when I could reach straight to the manufacturer and ask direct questions?

Because we have already asked those questions, analysed and sorted them out for you. We have already carried out the supplier’s performance assurance audit checking details from their raw material supplies up to capabilities to complete orders in time. We have carefully selected only ones that surely grant a significant value in cooperation, and created a proficient large scale manufacturing valley under a single management system. We have developed splendid furniture ranges together with our partners that provide pure comfort and are adapted to the lifestyles of today's furniture buyers.

Baltic Furniture Source I need I have graphic representation.
Baltic Furniture Source I need I have graphic representation.

With BFS: the questions are pre-answered.

We have well established partnerships with the manufacturing companies and guarantee the credibility of our partners. In addition, we hold some lobbying leverages, which we are ready to apply on your behalf when reaching important agreement points.

Today, we are partnering with over 20 Lithuanian based furniture producers of wide spectrum. We are the hardest-working team in the business investing our everyday into a qualitative and constantly growing product selection for our clients. We work in close partnership with the manufacturers making sure our products meet high standards of both quality and competitiveness.

Take a sneak peek at our current collections and ongoing projects here. We would be glad to provide you with more detailed information about our products - just request a catalogue for ones that catch your interest.

Choose from our wide range of carefully developed collections or request an offer for your own design.

development & management

Our project development and management system is backed by our daily collaboration and well established partnerships with manufacturing companies and our clients. Our extensive know-how of each of our partner's operational specifics allows us fast and effective management of all daily tasks as well as any issues raised by our clients.

BFS target of everyday is to pre-solve issues, questions and uncertainties that our clients may otherwise encounter. We employ our advanced skill set and managerial tools to ensure well in advance that all processes function as planned and no deviations from agreed conditions can be expected to our clients. Such assurance provides our clients with clarity and comfort on their smooth business operations.

According to our clients, BFS management efficiency is felt especially strong when more than a single supplier's products are being sourced at the same time. Several suppliers - yet a single management system and single point of contact - BFS.


During our practice we have noticed an interesting tendency. We discovered that there is a repetitive pattern of miscommunication between the manufacturing and the purchasing parties in the furniture sector. As our job is to communicate to both sides - we could quite easily estimate and understand the origins of such happenings, while also look for effective ways to help solving it. Here comes even a more interesting part.

We found that from the perspective of the furniture purchaser: manufacturer’s answer to their single question most often tends to yield three more questions and is generally unclear. Accordingly, misunderstandings of such nature ultimately cast doubt on manufacturer’s reliability and willingness to cooperate from the perspective of the purchaser. But why?

Unsurprisingly, most of the suppliers view towards this situation appears in different light. As suppliers generally describe: there is a constant “rush hour“ within a manufacturing company. The management is overwhelmed with their daily tasks that comprise variables ranging from timely order completion to quality assurance and many aspects in between. Therefore, the reason why a single answer might inflict an avalanche of more questions to the purchaser is the complexity of factors that need to be agreed on before the start of a qualitative cooperation.

Majority of suppliers also stress: during the discussion with a potential new client, the manufacturer often remains unsure about precise requirements and expectations of their new client. And any uncertainty bears a significant cost to a manufacturing company, as even a small change of the status quo onto their production line might abruptly unbalance the production processes. Consequently, manufacturing companies might wrongly appear as unwilling to cooperate, while truly they only seek to discover all the rules and requirements involved with their new client in order to adjust the production processes precisely as required and ultimately guarantee 100% client's satisfaction.

After all, the manufacturer might not always have an immediate spare moment to sit down and analyse the complexity together with a potential customer. All of which ultimately creates frustration.

So how does it happen that a purchasing manager wants to purchase, the supplier wants to sell, yet they often struggle to move into a prosperous collaboration? Just leave it for the Baltic Furniture Source to solve.

This is the exciting moment when the BFS comes gladly into action. In fact, many times when BFS team has approached the manufacturing companies offering them to join our manufacturers pool; while also taking over some of their burden of client management, communication and new client search – the offer has been welcomed with great enthusiasm and comments such as “we have been in need of such service for a long time“.

It is important to recognise that reliability is the key factor to any successful supply chain development and management. Therefore, we target all of our daily tasks towards establishment of the necessary credibility factors that our clients look for. As well as being the “untangler“ of all the questions between the parties, and preferably having the questions pre-answered for our clients - to ensure proactive and effective business processes. We find our inspiration to work even harder, while witnessing a huge impact of our services on the quality of daily lives of our clients.

Main BFS daily management tasks:

  • Order processing

  • Order confirmations

  • Client management and communication

  • Quotations

  • Claims handling

  • New product development and implementation

  • Lobbying on exclusivity rights

  • Solving problems and answering questions

  • Marketing and sales

quality assurance

We invest a large part of our time in researching values and business ethics of a manufacturing company before offering them a partnership deal. We study their production quality procedures in depth, then investigate whether they are effectively applied in practice, while also checking for an actual defective product percentage. And only if we are fully convinced about the manufacturers ability to keep up to an impeccable quality level – we include their products into the selection for our clients.

In addition, we aim to not only offer quality products to our clients, but speed as well, which we perceive as an indispensable attribute in the furniture sector. We believe quality must go hand in hand together with timely order completion, and only if both criteria are met - business partnerships can truly thrive.

Therefore, we are in close proximity to each of our manufacturing partner’s premises, allowing us to quickly investigate risks when stakes are high. We inspect each novel product, each new colour and every new technological amendment on all products of our clients - just to keep 100% assurance all is stick to a plan. Additionally, we perform general periodic quality checks on our products - to be reassured our clients receive an outstanding value. Our quest for perfection ultimately saves time and money for all parties involved, leaving everybody with a calm mind.

graphic design & 3D rendering

Stimulating product representation on all dimensions - physically, visually and graphically - is key to make your client pay attention to your product.

We can all agree that only having a magnificent product lying on a shelve is not enough. The outstanding representation of a product by application of effective modern tools is what makes the product swiftly move away from the shelve. Now here comes the good part.

We do not only provide you with those magnificent products, but also share responsibility with you in selling them! We provide a qualitative graphic desgin and 3D rendering marketing assistance to our clients, majority of which is free of charge.

BFS free of charge client bonus package includes: catalogues, brochures, leaflets, banners, logos, newsletter design, product descriptions, copy-writing, conceptualisation and general graphic design (please see the table below for specification).

We have a team of wonderful 3D artists too. And in case our existing pictures do not satisfy your needs well enough, we will produce new 3D renderings that will match your own vision 100%. For 3D rendering services we apply a small charge with a large client discount.

We recognise the importance of product representation, we hold advanced skills in this area, and are ready to assist you on every aspect in the way towards your success!

Baltic Furniture Source client bonus package table.
Baltic Furniture Source client bonus package table.

BFS free of charge client bonus package.

Perfect furniture is easy to find

It's truly quick and smooth with BFS